
Archive for March, 2008

Whenever I happen to wait at the amtrak station in wilmington downtown, I always tend to pick up one of the free weekly magazines or local newspapers that silently sit near a corner of the station and enjoy reading it on my way back home in the bus..and today is one such day. Its a magazine called ‘Living Well’ and the topic that caught my interest is “Imagine Living The Life You Always Wanted — quoting — Six prereqs of change’ by Joe White, the president of Get Life Coaching.

As I didnt want to let go these invaluable words that help create the life we always wanted, I thought I will record the essence of it in my blog… and here ya go:

1. You Must Take Full Responsibility For Everything That Has, Is and Will happen In Your Life:

You cannot be a victim of life and create the life you want. You must take full responsibility. It begins and ends here. Regardless of what has happened to you, you are in control of what you do, think and feel at this moment. Since this is the only moment you really have, doesnt it make sense to make this the best moment it can be??!!

2. The Level of Thinking That Has Created Your Problem Is NOT The Level of Thinking Needed To Create The Solution.

This is a paraphrased Albert Einstein quote. Too often we spend far too much time and energy focusing on the problem. All that does is offer us more of the same. You wont find your solutions in the neighbourhood of your problems. We must ask better questions to create a better answer. Raise your thinking!

3. Let Go Of It!

Why hold on to the past? How does that serve you? It doesn’t. So let go of it. You have better things to do than to live in the past. There is no future there. Understand what happened, learn from it and let it go.

4. Take Action Now!

Hate Procrastination. If you want to change you must do whatever it takes to change. Not just talk about it, but do it. What do the following words have in common: should, could, want to, need to, ought to, someday I will? None of them implies action has actually occured.  Tomorrow never comes. Just do it now.

5. Stop Lying to Yourself

Ouch! I know but when you tell yourself you cant do something or you’re not strong enough, or you are afraid, that you believe it. The truth is that in each one of us is amazing strength, courage and faith. Tell yourself the truth. If you dont believe it, keep telling yourself until you do. Do you think you really believe half the crap you say to yourself? Did you believe it when you first said it years and years ago?

6. Dont Quit

Life rarely happens on our time schedule. No matter what has happened before, no matter how many times you have failed, this is a new moment. You just need to realise it. With this new moment, come new choices and oppurtunities.

So Believe in the possible, not the impossible.

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No worries..here are some tips that help reduce your double chin problem:

  •  Do you know that ‘Salt’ can play a vital role in reducing a double chin. When the body is short of salt, it implies that the body really is short of water. The salivary glands sense the salt shortage and are obliged to produce more saliva to lubricate the act of chewing and swallowing and also to supply the stomach with water that it needs for breaking down foods. Circulation to the salivary glands increases and the blood vessels become “leaky” in order to supply the glands with water to manufacture saliva. The “leakiness” spills beyond the area of the glands themselves, causing increased bulk under the skin of the chin, the cheeks and into the neck…
    Thus, increasing your salt intake (the salt you use has to be unrefined, unprocessed, sun-dried sea salt) will help get rid of your double chin and make you look years younger..
  • Double chins tend to be associated with weight gain and/or aging but they may also occur as an inherited characteristic. However, we all know that Spot reduction is a fallacy. Hence losing body fat through regular exercise and proper diet is the one of ideal ways to rid yourself of a double chin.

— other tips to be followed shortly —

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Do you know that Refined Salt is called as ‘White poison’?  Well, the table salt that we consume everyday in our daily food is not good for health.  Thats because its mainly sodium chloride and not salt, which means that the salt we use is all processed and refined salt. Does this mean usage of salt is going to turn dreadful for the human body?  Nope, its completely wrong.. in fact, SALT is very essential for the human body.. all human beings must have salt for one cannot live without salt. Sounds confusing, huh?

Alrighty.. lemme clarify this out now. The salt thats good for humans to intake is the Sea Salt that we are referring to..it contains about 80 mineral elements that the body needs. Some of these elements are needed in trace amounts.  Thus salt based remedies are thought to have expectorant powers.

< To be continued sooner >

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